Semi Dedicated 2
The best way to progress from a shared web hosting account to a time and effort saving semi–dedicated server without any difficulty. Receive a point & click Control Panel. Have unlimited domains and databases. Take advantage of 2 CPU cores. A 99.9% server uptime is .
Semi Dedicated 2
Unlimited Disk Space Unlimited Monthly Traffic Unlimited Hosted Domain(s) 2 CPU Core(s) Unlimited MySQL Storage Unlimited E-mail Accounts Unlimited MySQL Databases Unlimited PgSQL Databases 1 IP Address - » All features
ZFS Cloud Storage & Mail - Fast SSD Drives
SSD Data Caching No Data Corruption Data Compression ModSecurity Anti-Virus Protection 24/7 Tech Support 99.9% Uptime Guarantee Multiple Data Centers
Semi Dedicated 2 hosting at
C$49.47/mo.Test our hosting services with a 30 days free of charge trial period. No credit card info necessary.
Free Dedicated IP
Free-of-charge dedicated IP address for your machine
A dedicated IP address is listed at zero cost with the semi-dedicated 2 setup. You’ll be able to put it to use from the second you get access to the Online Control Panel. With a dedicated IP address, you will have the ability to maximize the uniqueness of your site, to easily setup an SSL certificate for your website, or even register your very own name servers that will resolve to your personal IP address.
And, if at any time you need an additional dedicated IP address, you are able to get it at a promotional cost right from your Online Control Panel.
SSH Access
No charge SSH access privileges for your machine
With our Semi-dedicated 2 setup you’ll get SSH access rights to the server, provided absolutely free. In this way, it will be easy for you to instantly connect to the server’s terminal and communicate directly with the server, without the need to utilize the Online Control Panel.
Because of the specific nature of our semi-dedicated servers, the SSH access privileges will not include root rights. You are able to work with your documents, databases, email and everything related to your websites, nevertheless, you aren’t able to change the server’s setup.
24x7 Support
Get in touch with us at any time
You may get in touch with us round–the–clock with any problems that you could possibly have related to our Linux semi-dedicated servers. Don’t hesitate to get in touch via mail and through the ticket platform and we will respond to you in approximately 1 hour. Actually, our regular reaction period is below 20 min. On trading days, you can ring us or use the real–time chatting service on our store.
Free Templates
More than a hundred zero cost WordPress and Joomla™ themes to select from
You can always copy a Wordpress or Joomla™ design with only a click of the mouse from your Web Apps. You don’t need to go to third–party websites for first–rate themes. We have a large collection for you handily incorporated into your hosting account. Just opt for the template that you prefer and click the Download key. All web templates are totally free–of–charge for you.
SSD Drives
Your Internet site will be more rapid with SSD drives
All new desktops and/or mobile computing devices include solid–state drives and for a reason. Solid–state drives deliver better reading/writing data transfer speeds, making all process noticeably speedier. The very same will be applied to your web page if you host it with All our Linux semi-dedicated servers are equipped with SSDs and the sites located with us function a lot faster than the ones functioning on ordinary harddrives.
And the best part is that you don’t have to transform or adjust anything in any way so as to cause it to perform much faster.
Semi Dedicated 2
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Service guarantees
- Each one of our Linux semi-dedicated servers will be installed for your needs at zero cost. 99.9% service uptime. SSH access.
Compare our prices
- Look into our charges and pick the ideal semi–dedicated server for your growing sites. Move up to a more advanced server set–up with a click of the mouse.
- Compare Semi-dedicated servers
Contact Us
- Get in touch with us anytime by email or by using the very–fast ticketing platform. We’re going to react in up to 1 hour.