The easiest way to grant a third-party access to the web files in a specific directory is to set up an FTP account and to set content access limits with regard to your web hosting space. If you use the services of a web designer, for example, they will not be able to access any other files or any private information within your hosting account. You can also create separate FTP accounts to maintain different sites built with a desktop web design app such as FrontPage or Dreamweaver – each Internet site can be published and later modified using an FTP account with access to its very own website folder on the server. All these things will be possible as long as you are able to set up and administer your FTP accounts in a seamless way.

FTP Manager in Cloud Hosting

If you open a cloud hosting account with our company, you’ll have access to the stunningly powerful FTP Manager tool, that is an essential part of our custom-developed Hepsia hosting Control Panel. The tool comes with several different options, aside from the ability to set up or remove FTP accounts. You will be able to see the access path for each account and by clicking on it, you can alter it so that the account in question will access a separate folder. Auto-config files are available for download too, so you will not have to configure anything manually – you can simply download the specific file for Core FTP, FileZilla or CyberDuck and install it on your computer system. To make the administration simpler, the FTP Manager will allow you to view all the FTP accounts that you have set up in alphabetical order, on the basis of either the access path or the username.

FTP Manager in Semi-dedicated Servers

Even if you have never used a hosting account before, you will not have any problem managing any part of your Internet presence if you purchase a semi-dedicated server from us and the FTP part makes no exception. With the FTP Manager, which is part of our next-generation Hepsia Control Panel, you will have full control over your FTP accounts through a truly easy-to-work-with graphical interface. With just a couple of mouse clicks, you will be able to accomplish pretty much everything – to create or to remove an FTP account, to change its password, to alter the folder that it can access or to download auto-configuration files for software programs such as FileZilla and Core FTP. In case you have an immense number of FTP accounts, you’ll be able to administer them without efforts, as you can arrange them alphabetically in descending or ascending order either by username or by folder access path.